Community Events

Tools to Calm the Mind for People Who Can’t Sit Still at Arlington Community Education

When was the last time you sat down and relaxed? In our tech-heavy, fast-paced world, getting caught up in scrolling, distractions, and rabbit holes is easy and happens before we know it. If you’re grappling with stress, disconnection, or stagnation, join Libby and learn practices to reclaim your awareness and live with more ease. 4 Wednesdays | May 8–29 | 6:30 pm–7:30 pm

Monthly Forest Therapy Walks at Wright-Locke Farm

Connect with the natural world in a new way – by slowing down, engaging all your senses, and immersing in nature with your body, heart, and mind.

This class requires registration and meets at the farm.

We will not go fast or far. Please be sure to bring footwear, hydration, and gear suitable for walks in nature.

Upcoming Dates: June 19 & July 17

Intro to Forest Therapy (Online over Zoom)

This one-hour interactive workshop will introduce Forest Therapy, also known as forest bathing, and briefly describe its origins and benefits for well-being. We will spend most of our time practicing sensory invitations. The session aims to help you feel more relaxed and connected to yourself and the world around you.

Here are a few tips to prepare:

  1. Sitting near a window or outdoors where the natural world is visible can enhance your experience as long as you can still see the screen. The presentation will include showing some sensory invitation videos from the deep woods.
  2. If possible, have something natural to smell, such as pine needles from the outside or cinnamon or ginger from the kitchen cabinet.
  3. We will also have a group sharing circle at the end of the experience, so if possible, please have some tea to enjoy.

Urban Forest Therapy Meetup: Exploring the Bike Path at Davis Sq

This event, offered through the Forest Bathing Walks Greater Boston Meetup group, brings us to quiet places in urban spaces. We will meet in Davis Square by the T station and walk along the Bike Path as we enjoy sensory invitations that ground us in the here and now and deepen our connection to nature.

We will end the event with a sharing circle in the park just behind the T station, with tea and snacks. We will share what we noticed from the experience and how we might apply these learnings to daily life.
Please join us, everyone is welcome.

Note: This Meetup group, hosted by Libby, seeks to bring together fellow nature lovers who appreciate the rejuvenating power of time immersed in nature. We will meet for connection and community while enjoying time and deepening our relationship with the natural world.


Outdoor & Unplugged: Nature walk with Kripalu Meditation at Alnoba

Connect with the natural world in a new way. We will not go fast or far; we aim to slow down and connect with the natural world around us.

Flow with Nature & Connect with Joy: A Nature Immersion Workshop at Sunset Hill Education Institute

Step into an afternoon of joy and transformation in this nature immersion workshop. Join this day to reconnect with the natural world, yourself, and like-minded humans. Discover hidden joy, contentment, and gratitude through experiences including a nature walk with Kripalu meditation, nature-themed creative expression, and several heart-centered embodiment practices, followed by deep relaxation and sound bathing. We will close the day with a tea circle and group reflections.

This day is about embracing life; it’s living the one life you love. Integrating new tools and practices into your daily routine makes this workshop the perfect opportunity for true transformation. Reserve your spot now and embrace the transformative journey that awaits.

Come and experience a day beyond the ordinary, surrounded by Sunset Hill’s enchantment, only 90 minutes from Boston. 

Mindfulness in Nature with Libby at Sunset Hill Education Institute

Connect with the natural world in a new way – by slowing down, engaging all your senses, and immersing in nature with your body, heart, and mind. This two-hour experience will include exploring a nearby trail while practicing sensory invitations, practicing Kripalu nature meditation, and closing with a sharing circle and fire pit at sunset. 


Please be sure to bring footwear, hydration, and gear suitable for walks in nature.

Calm the Mind and Open the Heart Meditation Workshop

Feeling overwhelmed by all the talk about meditation but have yet to take the leap? Unsure if it’s right for you or if you find it intimidating? Let me ease your mind. Meditation is easy to start and convenient. Once you begin, you’ll wonder why you waited. It effortlessly fits into your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. During this workshop, you will learn and practice several types of meditation in a safe, supportive environment that will allow you to explore what works best for you. So why wait? Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the transformative power of meditation.


This course will include three skill-building sessions and one final integration session to ask questions, share tips, and practice the new skills.


4 Mondays | June 3–24 | 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

We Are Here To Help You.

Ready to break free from stress and rediscover inner peace? Experience the transformative power of Forest Therapy with us today

forest therapy walk
Forest Flow
Forest Flow
Forest Flow
Forest Flow